Dark Water Album Launch

The Orchestra of Scottish Opera is featured on a forthcoming album, Dark Water, of music by composer Malcolm Lindsay with a libretto by PJ Moore, formerly of The Blue Nile.

The music features in an innovative film project of the same name led by Malcolm Lindsay and filmmaker Oscar van Heek, which was created in collaboration with Scottish Opera and supported by Creative Scotland. 

Recorded and produced in Glasgow, The Orchestra of Scottish Opera is joined by former Scottish Opera Emerging Artist, soprano Marie Claire Breen, and tenor Jamie MacDougall (Lauder 2017).

Dark Water is a highly emotional story of tangled desires: Toni, a young girl, loses her sight while falling in love. Set in an ordinary town where opportunities are limited, there is a sense that Toni’s world is becoming darker not just through her blindness.

Gourock’s iconic outdoor swimming pool was a key location for the film shoot. Arresting underwater visuals accompany the operatic score to bring this moving story to life.

The film was premiered at the 2017 Palm Springs International Short Film Festival. The album is released on 18 December and available via darkwater.zone.